New Clients
Are you interested in having Albaugh Tax Group LLC assist you with your taxes or other financial needs? We have a few ways to get you set up with us:
MAIL. You can mail your information to the following address:
Albaugh Tax Group LLC
580 Pershing St
Craig, CO
Security is important to us, so we recommend mailing COPIES of your information via Certified Mail to both ensure that we receive it and to improve on your information's safety. Please click on this link to download a taxpayer organizer. Please include the first three (3) pages with any information you send us (physically or electronically). You are welcome to fill out the last two pages, but that usually just means more work on your part that you are supposed to be paying ATG to do. Be sure to include as much of the following information as possible with the information you send us (most of which is found on the otrganizer):
- Your Name
- Your birthdate
- Your Social Security Number*
- Your intended filing status (single, head of household, married filing seperate, married filing jointly)
- Names of your spouse and any children you are claiming
- Birthdates of your spouse and any children you are claiming
- Social Security Numbers of your spouse and any children you are claiming*
- Your phone number
- A copy of last year's tax return
- Details (including appropriate forms) showing any income you received during the year
- Summaries of your expenses (if you have a business, farm, or rental properties)
- Mortgage Interest statements
- Charitable Contributions
- Whether or not you received, sold, exchanged, gave, or otherwise disposed of a digital asset.
- Whether or not you would like to donate $3 to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund.
- Any other information you feel we should have to help understand your situation
*Sending us COPIES of your Social Security cards helps us make sure we have names entered the way the IRS system expects to see them. While this is not necessary, it can help ensure that we correctly input information the first time and avoid e-filing rejections from the IRS.
DROP OFF YOUR INFORMATION. If you feel that your return will be pretty simple and do not need to sit down with us to go over the information, you are free to drop off the above listed information at our office. Please see the "Contact Us" tab for directions to our office.
SET UP AN APPOINTMENT. If you feel that your return is going to be more complicated for us to figure out, please call us at (970)824-5825 to set up an appointment, or click the following button:
You can also email us at if you are not in a hurry to get the appointment set.
SET UP A PORTAL ACCOUNT. If you would like to send us information electronically, send an email to with the following information:
- First and Last Name
- Business Entity Name (optional)
- Email Address You Would Like Used for the Account
- 4 Digit Numerical PIN You Would Like to Use
- Username You Would Like to Use
For your security, please DO NOT e-mail your information directly to us. Unfortunately, we live in an age when people prey off the unsuspecting. Anything sent via e-mail is typically not secure. As such, please contact us to set up a secure portal for you to upload information to.