Welcome to the Albaugh Tax Group LLC website. We look forward to assisting you with all of your tax needs. The links and information on this site should be a good starting place for your tax and financial needs.
New in 2025:
All individual tax returns prepared in 2025 will include $1M tax audit defense, identity theft restoration, and $2,500 tax preparation guarantee. This means better protection for you both in and out of your tax return. Ask for details when setting up an appointment or dropping off information.
We now offer business health checks and more in-depth financial planning! Appointmnets for these services will begin May 1, 2025 (you can begin scheduling these appointments on March 1). Also, please consider setting an appointment outside of the normal tax season for us to look for ways to help your tax situation or to help you better understand what is happening on your return. Let ATG help make sure your financial plans are set well, that you have the most of your money available to you, and that your money is helping you!
2025 Tax Season (for the 2024 Tax Returns)
We have a few returns we are still working on from the 2024 tax season. Please be patient as we finish these up in the first part of January.
We will update the calendar when the IRS releases the date that they will open the e-file window for 2025. Please keep the following important dates in mind for 2025:
Important Dates | |
Date | Description |
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 | Last day to postmark 4th quarter 2024 estimated taxes. |
Friday, January 31, 2025 | Last day to postmark or e-file the following forms: W-3, W-2, 940, 941 (Q4), 1099-NEC, most 1099-MISC, most 1096, UITR-1 (Q4), DR 1094 (Q4), DR 1093. |
Monday, March 17, 2025 | Pass-through entity tax returns (1065, 1120-S, 1041) due or due to be extended. Last day for timely S-Corporation elections. |
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 | Individual and calendar year C-Corporation tax returns due or due to be extended. 2025 first quarter estimated payments due to be postmarked. |
April 16, 2025 - April 18, 2025 | Lief does not exist to the world. ATG office will be closed and no phone or e-mail messages will be responded to until Monday, April 21. |
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 | First quarter payroll reports (941, UITR-1, DR 1094, FAMLI) due. |
Monday, June 16, 2025 | Last day for individuals to postmark second quarter estimated tax payments. |
Thursday, July 31, 2024 | Second quarter payroll reports (941, UITR-1, DR 1094, FAMLI) due. |
August 20, 2025 - September 1, 2025 | ATG office will be closed. Minimal correspondence during this period. |
Monday, September 15, 2024 | Last day for pass-through entities to file a tax return with extension. Last day for individuals to postmark third quarter estimated tax payments. |
Monday, September 30, 2025 | Trust and estate returns (calendar year) with extensions due. |
Wednesday, October 15, 2024 | Last day for individuals to file a tax return with extension. |
Friday, October 31, 2024 | Third quarter payroll reports (941, UITR-1, DR 1094, FAMLI) due. |
Thursday, January 15, 2026 | Last day for individuals to postmark fourth quarter estimated tax payments. |
Monday, February 2, 2026 | Fourth quarter payroll reports (1099-NEC, most 1099-MISC, most 1096, W-3, W-2, 940, 941, UITR-1, DR 1093, DR 1094, FAMLI) due. |
Setting an Appointment
Please use the following buttons to schedule an appointment to meet with us. If you are unsure which calendar to use, select one that covers the dates for which you need an appointment and indicate in the notes the nature of the appointment. Most calendars allow you to schedule up to 60 days in advance.
While we would love to sit down with each of our clients, we prepare too many returns through the season to allow such. If you are struggling to get the schedulers to work for you, please call us at (970)824-5825 and we will help you to get scheduled. Please also indicate in the notes or when you call if you would prefer a virtual meeting instead of in-person.
Tax Preparation | Payroll Reports | Financial Planning | Business Health | End of Year |
For preparation of 2024 individual, corporate, and pass-through entity tax returns. Includes amended returns (after April only). | For preparation of business payroll tax reports. When available, use for businesses with new payroll needs. | For individual financial planning. Also use for new payroll needs or other tax questions and needs. | For discussion and analysis of your business's health. | For planning fourth quarter estimates, checking withholdings, and otherwise planning for the end of your tax year. |
Feb 1 - Oct 15 | Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct | May - Aug, Oct - Dec | May - Aug, Oct - Dec | Oct 16 - Jan 15 |
If you need to set an appointment with us and cannot meet with us face-to-face for any reason, we have the following options avaialable to you:
- 1. Set up a video conference
- Contact us at (970) 824 - 5825 or by email at atg@albaughtaxgroupllc.com to set up a video conference. We will set up a conference through Google Meets). A video conference will allow us to show you the tax return and other information as we complete it during the meeting.
- 2. Set up a phone conference
- If you are not worried about seeing information as we talk, you may consider setting up a phone conference. Please contact us as described for the video conference to set a time.
Getting Us Your Information
If we are unable to schedule an appointment or you would prefer to just drop off your information, we have several options available to ensure you have the best possible experience getting your tax return completed while receiving the advice that you need for your situation without sitting face-to-face:
- 1. Drop off information
- You can drop off your information during our normal business hours. If we are meeting with another client, a black tray is usually availabe to place information. We will have envelopes available to help keep your information private. We will complete your tax return as soon as we can and will contact you when it is ready for pickup.
- 2. Upload your tax return information to us electronically.
- We use a program called Drake Portals to securely transfer information back and forth between our clients. If we have not created an individual portal for you, please use the button below or go to albaughtaxgroup.securefilepro.com and click on "Upload" in the "Guest Exchange" section. We will contact you if we have any questions and also as soon as your tax return is ready for pickup or electronic delivery. For people not located in Craig, we will automatically create a login for you. If you are in Craig and would prefer to do everything electronically, please indicate that when you get us your information. If you are a returning client and we have already created a login for you, please go to the portal, login, and upload documents there. Note: An app is available on both the Apple and Google stores that will allow you to more easily access your portal from your mobile device. Search for "SecureFilePro" and input the e-mail address associated with your portal.
- 3. Mail information
- You can mail your information (preferably copies, though we will return any originals sent to us once the return is completed) to
Albaugh Tax Group LLC
580 Pershing Street
Craig, CO, 81625.
Please include your e-mail and phone number, especially if your number has changed or if you are a new client. - 4. Fax information
- You can fax your information to us at (970) 824-5825. Please include a cover sheet or message identifying whose information we are looking at and what work you are needing us to do. On this cover sheet, please include an e-mail address and phone number we can use to contact you.
Tax Planners
Some tax preparation offices send out tax planners annually that the taxpayer fills out and sends with his or her information. Normally, we do not send these because they tend to force you, the taxpayer, to do the work that you pay us to do. Upon occasion, we may send partial planners or questionnaires out if we need additional personal information (such as names, SSNs, birthdates, or stimulus payment amounts). If you would like a sheet listing common tax documents or a tax planner to help ensure you do not miss bringing us information, please contact us and request one.
Please continue to check back for updates and changes during the tax season. If you have any questions, please contact us at (970) 824 - 5825 or by email at atg@albaughtaxgroupllc.com. You can also e-mail Lief Albaugh directly at lief@albaughtaxgroupllc.com.
Below are some useful links:
Send Us Your Information Electronically
Check IRS Refund Status
Check CO Refund Status
CO Department of Revenue
CO Revenue Online
CO Employer Unemployment Login Site
Craig, CO Sales Tax
If you are looking to prepare your own tax return, we recommend you go here:

The fee for filing 2023 tax returns through this link is $25. If you choose to use this website to prepare your return, we do get a minor referral fee from 1040.com, so we would appreciate you using the above link to make sure we get that fee.